Process your credit card payment fast, simple and secure
Credit card processing is a necessity for today's merchants, and we make it quick and easy for you. Decimal Factor supports the latest point-of-sale equipment on networks that process billions of dollars in credit card transactions each year.
Whether you need a retail merchant account, restaurant merchant account or Internet merchant account, Decimal Factor has competitively priced credit card processing solutions to help your business succeed.
No matter what your business is or which customer you serve, we offer credit card processing for a variety of industries:
We will be there for you when you need us. Our highly trained, multi-lingual Merchant Services Team is ready to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You'll also receive superior service from our knowledgeable Chargeback and Retrieval Department, which is available to help you prevent and resolve any chargeback issues you may encounter. Plus, when you're ready to expand your customer payment options, we offer you a complete line of additional merchant account products and services, all developed and supported exclusively for our merchants.
** In association with First American Payment Systems, L.P. Decimal Factor offers services of First American Payment Systems, L.P. First American Payment Systems, First American, FirstPay.NetT, FirstView®, Secur-Chex®, Merimac, Merimac Capital®, FirstFund® ACH and FirstAdvantage®. They are trademarks and copyrights of First American Payment Systems, L.P. Sponsoring Bank: Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati, OH Member FDIC